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Top Stuff IPA 1.0 iPhone,iPod,iPad Free Download


See the TopStuff for categories such as Music, iOS Apps, Mac Apps, Movies, TV Shows, Music Videos, Podcasts, Audiobooks, and Books.. in any country!
Select either the top 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, or 300 TopStuffs per category!

- See all 9 categories in one App!
- Choose different feed types per category!
- Choose different genres per category!
- Available when OFFLINE!
- HD graphics for iPad!
- Choose from the 62 countries that have top charts!
- Selectable number of results per category!
- Integration with AppStore, iTunes, and iBooks for iPad/iPhone/iPod Touch!
- Turn on/off explicit content per category!
- Reorder the category tabs to your preference!
- Clean and intuitive user interface!

Choose different feed types!
For iOS Apps, Mac Apps, Movies, Music, and TV Shows there are many feed types to choose from.

So if you just want to see only the top free iOS Apps or just the new releases you can change the feed type to suit.
If you want to see the newest music or just the current top 50 songs you can change it.
Want movies or just movie rentals? Your choice!

Choose different genres!
Within each category you can choose which genre of media you would like the TopStuff for.
So, if you only want games then you can choose just games.
Interested in business apps? Then just choose the business genre.
How about some Rock or Hip-Hop? Your choice!

Available Offline!
Yes, that's right.. don't you hate it when you want to check on something and it's not available?
Well, that has been considered for TopStuff and as long as the information has been downloaded once it is available offline!

Choose from 62 countries!
Basically all of the countries apple has an iTunes store in are available to choose from.
Within each category you can select a country allowing you to have Music from the USA, Apps from the UK, and TV Shows from Australia at the same time!

Note: some countries don't have all categories and hence some feeds aren't available for those countries.

Clean and intuitive user interface!
Hit the preferences arrow at the top-right to choose your country, explicit on/off, feed type, number of results, and genre all from the preferences panels. This is per category to give you FULL flexibility over what you want to see per category!
Either tap the arrows within the panel or slide the panel left or right to see each sub-panel.
Scroll through the lists and choose what you feel like looking at.
Tap the preferences arrow to close the panel and you're now browsing what you want!

Want to customise the tabs? Go to "More" and choose the edit button, then drag your favourite icons down to the tab to reorder your favourites!

 Supported on iOS 4.0 and above.

Download Here